Midge Guerrera
Some folks play golf, I create new things - schools, agencies, programs. I've been responsible for creating a bunch of things - a community arts center, 2 performing arts high schools, the arts administration Minor and Major at Westminster Choir College of Rider University, a children's theatre company, a NYC theatre, an arts management and public relations firm, and a tourism initiative called Cooking in the Kitchens of Pontelandolfo.
During the course of my career, one could find me teaching, producing and directing theatre, writing venue specific historic plays, acting in an Emmy Award winning television series, and generally leaping from one project to another. Sigh, if only I could have stayed in one place long enough to get a pension. HMM - I'm only in my second or is it third act so there is still time. Isn't there?
Today, I spend most of my time refining plays I've written, blogging, working on a cook book, working on a memoir, trying to convince people to visit Pontelandolfo, Italy, presenting LaDolce Vita or Is It and staring at the Sannio Hills.
I learned a lot at the University of Life, however, I do have some academic credentials.
MFA Dramatic Writing Goddard College, Vermont USA
MA Theatre Montclair State University, New Jersey USA
BA Theatre & English Montclair State University, New Jersey USA
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Promosso il Turismo Esperienziale
Awarded to me but really belongs to all of the collaborators of Cooking in the Kitchens of Pontelandolfo.
Presented by the Comune di Morcone (BN)
Promoting Tourism in the Area
Special thanks to il Sindaco Luigini Ciarlo
I'm always happy to hear from you.